Twitter List for Project Management
I just recently learned from Scoble (Famous Blogger in the western hemisphere) that Twitter has introduced Lists. I havent been a big fan of Twitter … yet. But now with this feature it covinced even me to join and to give it a try.
Twitter is not just about following people and yelling out the information that you just had a sandwich and waiting that people start following you. The question how smart they need to be or how much time the must have to follow you to understand when you have had your sandwich.
But there are are really smart people out there twittering about great news and fantastic stuff thay you might never had heard of or way to late, ‚wenn der Zug abgefahren ist‘. To follow these guys is smart. Putting them into a list for a specific topic e.g. Project Management. And then, even smarter, to put them on your blog and pimp your blog in that way.
On the right sidebar you can see the new widget that you can customize yourself in twitter. In this list I have added some people that are ‚big‘ in project management or in a peer area. They have something to say. They will point you in new directions. And sometimes they might even tell you that they have had a great tasty sandwich. I will increas the list overtime to give all of us the opportunity to learn more faster.
Twitter is some ways is much better than blogging. I love to Twitter my everyday activities on my friends and relatives.
That widget is great, I might just have to do the same on my own blog. But, I am still conflicted with the whole lists feature. I’ve seen lots of PM lists, and made one of my own, but I still follow the #PMOT stream much more regularly than any list. I guess the advantage to lists is that you see the twitter people as a whole twitter person and not just when they are making project management related tweets?
I’m not convinced yet, I think I’d quickly be on information overload if I followed all of the PM lists out there…
It’s really great that people are sharing this intormafion.