Story Telling … Short Stories
The last and final talk, brought to us by Peter Beck, a non native Story teller, talking about short stories that help scrum teams to perform better.
He has good a four point principal which he tells us after he created a fireplace atmosphere:
- Be clear about your message
- Have a true story about yourself
- Prepare it well
- Deliver it well
He took us through several exercises that were going though the following items. He talked for about 2 minutes, he asked us to think about a story for 1-2 minutes and then tell it to our neighbor. While he was talking he was giving us examples. How ever, how do you do that, if you are just not a good story teller in a foreign language.
How ever, I think that the approach at least was something for me and sharpens the approach how I will think about stories.
Sketch notes attached.