How to celebrate project closure with a unique board game
About one and a half years back I managed a project in Australia for Virgin Blue. A vendor selection had to be undertaken and a tender process was kicked off. The objective of that project was to identify the vendor who delivers the best fit for purpose software system to replace the 8 year old legacy system managing most of the operations of that airline.
The project was staffed, executed and delivered its objective and a vendor was chosen at the end. How ever, about 50 people have been involved in that selection process and a team got formed like in any other project. A great team that went through tough times and a great experience overall.
So what I was always thinking in my career, to build a board game after the project got delivered, where all the funny moments, challenges and great achievements are incorporated. Situations like:
- The project manager misses his status meeting again. The stakeholders are upset – Go 2 steps back.
- Your team worked the whole night to meet the milestone – Go 3 steps forward.
So I thought about using the ‚Snake and Ladder‘ Game and enhanced it with actions cards. Built a theme around it with the companies identity, poshed it up to make it look nice, thought about action cards and the rules of the game and put all this in powerpoint to print it on A3 and as PDF. A process that took me weeks at that time. So her is the result, which you can download by clicking here (PDF) or on the picture (PDF):
I think its a great way to create something that will remembered by every team member. We still play this game today and can’t stop laughing about the situations we went through.
I sent this game via email to my team mates, it got leaked to the press, the intention misinterpreted and my name was all over the place in Australia. But that’s a different story.
So my final advice: Make sure that the companies culture is ready for it and your bud is not being kicked.
This is wonderful! Thanks for sharing 🙂
[…] Torsten J. Koerting | How to celebrate project closure with a unique board game – view page – cached About one and a half years back I managed a project in Australia for Virgin Blue. A vendor selection had to be undertaken and a tender process was kicked off. The objective of that project was to identify the vendor who delivers the best fit for purpose software system to replace the 8 year old legacy system managing most of the operations of that airline. […]
This is a great idea and something I would definitely be doing. I can see how this can be a really good laugh after the completion of a project.
I am however more interested about how this got misinterpreted in the press. Must have been quite the experience.
That is very clever! Just curious, did you ever find out who leaked this game to the press? I can’t see why this was leaked and what harm it could have done. Maybe you’ll fill us in on that one day. Or you can make a movie – there are a lot of movies about leaks these days. Watched „Fair Game“ with Sean Penn last night – maybe you would relate :). respectfully, Tammara Acerra
Thanks for sharing this, it was really creative! I can see how that would be fun after you’ve just completed a project, great way to blow of some steam!
Your creative juices just won’t stop flowing, will they?
Dude! You’re just amazing! conceptualizing games surely is a great challenge! At least for people like me! Keep it up!