TJTV – Talk to Leaders in Project Management
I will start a new section pretty soon (today) which will cover small, with digital camera recorded, videos with „Leaders in Project Management“ in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia and beyond.
These 5 to 10 minunte interviews will focus on the individual, their background, their company they own, founded, work for, their principals, the tools and bestpractices they apply aso. and all in the space of project management.
The videos will be recorded in unsual environments, on the street, in a cafe, on a deck, on a golf course, on a cruise ship, in the middle of a chapter meeting or in any other occasion where the opportunity is there to speak to a „Leader in Project Management“.
We will start of the sequence with Scott Spence, the CEO and Founder of CC Consulting shortly.
Also have a chat with the guys over at
looks interesting, flick me the some more background information and let me know when you or a rep is in Brisbane shortly.