Microblogging at a Global Player – How Deutsche Bank uses Social Media !
A colleague of mine just presented at the next 2011 conference held in Berlin in May 2011, hosted by SinnerSchrader.
Jochen Adler, a Business Analyst, and a passionate speaker is talking about the challenges and options for global players to use Social Media internally.
By looking at Deutsche Bank AG, one of the biggest advisory banks in the world, he is first of all asking the question, why is it so hard and difficult to engage and what are the roadblocks to make micro blogging a success.
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First of all, teamwork cant be done as it has been done in the past due to vitality and being a global organisation.
It’s hard to raise awareness and get connected with the co workers especially in global line organisations or large size projects.
Micro blogging can solve this issues, by raising the question „What are you working on ?“ instead of Twitter asking „Whats happening ?“
So what are the current stats of Deutsche Bank’s micro blogging service ‚The Wire‘ as of may 2011.
There are 7.713 Users on the platform, 4.324 of those have posted at least one update and by average around 750 posts are published on a business day.
A special hashtag (#Wirewin) has evolved to recognise a good answer to a specific question.
So what are the roadblocks to make micro blogging a success in a global organisation.
1) casual vs. work: There is professional reputation to loose.
2) US vs. Germany: Cultural differences between countries and various levels of adoption.
3) Bosses Blogging: Employees are checking whether their bosses are blogging and are looking for guidance whether blogging can be perceived as a time waster. If the boss blogs, employees will blog too.
4) Regulation: information provisioning is regulated and the sender has the responsibility to decide.
What are the possibilities and for the future.
Micro blogging has a great potential to change the way we work as it becomes the memory of the organisation.
And if all of your platforms are able to tweet as you work with them (bug fixed -> tweet; document uploaded -> tweet; answer a question -> tweet aso.)
Bottom Line:
Its hard to establish a micro blogging service, how ever, it can be done, and if you are successful a better sharing and communication culture can be established with great possibilities to generate.
What experiences did you make in your organisation?