Off to Project Risk Management Conference
Just another couple of hours and i am off to the IQPC Project Risk Management Conference at Southbank in Brisbane. that i was referring to earlier already. My duties during the conference includes chairing the conference, facilitating the interactive discussions, the keynote about „The critical value of Risk Management“, a presentation about „Effective Health Checks“ and facilitating a workshop together with Molli Ong on Thursday. So tomorrow i will attend the so called Master Class about „The A-Z of Project Risk Management“ to get my mind in the space of where it needs to be for the next 4 days.
So what will happen over the next 4 days:
Day 1, Monday: Masterclass „The A-Z of Project Risk Management“
According to the program, Kathleen Kuryl, a Programme Manager at the Tasmanian Department of Premier and Cabinet will talk about that the concept of managing risk within project delivery is not new in the project management field. However, it is still broadly misunderstood or ineffectively managed. We as participants will explore innovative ways to implement and/or improve your risk management frameworks in order to achieve optimum project performance.
And the bullet points sound pretty interesting and i will blog tomorrow evening about this and let you know what i got out of this.
Day 2 and 3, Tuesday – Wednesday: „The conference“
Beside speakers out of the Government and private environment that all sound very senior some good talks are on the agenda about
- how to apply the right project structure to manage your risks accordingly
- how to identify an analys your risk upfront
- the effective contigency planning and idenitify the right strategy
- strategies for effective risk governance and ongoing risk control
- turning risks into opportunities
- The correct budget forecasting
- analysing the complexity of effective stakeholder management
- managing expectations
- managing contractual relationships to optimise your risk strategy
and two interactive Discussion about
- Budget forecasting
- the role of software packages managing risks
Day 4, Thursday „The Workshops“
Two workshops are lined up for Thursday, the first one is „How to Identify, Measure and Manage Risk Throughout the Life Cycle of the Project“ talking about that risk management is a process that should last as long as the project to which it is applied. During this workshop, the participants will be able to find out how to effectively manage risk and learn how various risks affect each other throughout your whole project life cycle. And the second is called „How to Engage and Manage Stakeholders to Ensure Successful Project Delivery“ talking about that successful project delivery is often dependent on the contribution of others, be it an internal or external contribution. In accordance, risk management within project delivery also requires the active involvement of various stakeholders to be successful. In this workshop, learn to develop your stakeholder management skills as a strategy for ensuring optimal management of risk throughout the life of your project.
Bottom Line it looks like a very good 4 days with lots of opportunities to learn. How ever, i am really looking into to understand the concept and value of IQPC hosted and organised „Conferences“. Two reasons why.
- The number of audiences doesnt really justify the term „Conference“ as we expect 60 people for this one
- How speakers are selected and quality checked before presenting
- How the program has been compiled and changed in the last couple of days
I will talk more about this after the conference once i have a better understanding and talked to some participants and the organizer.